
Soon over! But... what about a third round?

:( Friday will be my last day in Ostermundigen! Today I had prepared a test for the french class and during Religion we talked about Family life. It was really good!
Anyhow...afterwards I had the final talk with my teacher. He was so nice. He told me a lot of nice things. He enjoyed working with me and said that if he it was up to him, I could start teaching! "You are ready!" Wow! I was so happy! I'd love to go teach there when I am done with my studies!
At the end he said, that maybe I could come back again for the FP2 Italian and Englisch. I had to laugh;)


My Miracle ... II

Do you know the feeling of total peace? When you feel so nice and you just enjoy life?
The other day, I felt exactly like that. I had read in the Bible and prayed and was ready to start the day. Stangely, it seemed I had more time than the other days. But I was elsewhere with my thoughts.
After preparing my lessons I walked to the bus and drove to the school. I got there and saw a firemen's car. There were children every where. Wondering what might have happened I went into the teacher's room. One of the teacher told me that they had had an exercice with the firemen and that no one had known about it and that is why the pupils were totally out of control now. I thought it was funny and wished I could have been there.
My teacher comes then to me and asks where I had been. Innocently I said I had just come. He had been looking for me. I thought it was wierd! Why on earth?
So, he says, now we have only Religion left.
Hmm? What about French?
Well, it would have been now, but the firemen came.
What do you mean? I thought they came during the last class.
Yes, they came just before!
[And I still didn't get it...sometimes I can be SO slow!]
But then... why don't we have French?
Because they stayed for an hour and a half!
... Oh...my! It means I came to late!!!!
Haha, yes I think so too!
But, I mean, How? How?
I don't know, but you were lucky, the lesson didn't even take place!
Oh my word! I don't know what I did. I was sure I was right on time!
Don't worry! It's ok! You were saved by the firemen!

See? Hadn't they come, I would have been an hour too late. It would have been such a mess! But exactly when I peacefully decide to go to take the bus- an hour later... The firemen go to the school!



Ostermundigen...part II

I was so happy to be able to go back to the same school! And I also was very nervous. I would have to teach religion for the first time. In German! My word.
The first day, when I entered the class I was surprised to see some of my old pupils. Some of them were very nice...and one of the terribles was also there...hmmm;)
Today I already started the last week! I am pretty sad, once again. I think I get to know all the pupils and then I am sad not to see them every day anymore. Yes, teachers like their pupils. Well, at least most of them;)

My miracle...I

From the begining of my studies, I knew that it was God that had led me there. Everything goes always very well and I am very thankful. I can't start a list of the things that happened, it would be too boring. But I want to tell you two big "miracles" or presents that God made me.

It was May I think... I was so stressed out with many things to do and I forgot to send the formular for the practical time. I sent it on Monday at 6 o'clock in the morning. Got a mail that said: "We are sorry, it's too late. The limit would have been Sunday at 24:00." I was very sad, because I had talked to Ostermundigen, and they had said they would take me again (even though normally you are not allowed to go twice to the same school). We had written to each other for a while and every thing was ok. And now, I wouldn't be able to go!
On Tuesday I got a mail from university telling me that I could still go do the PT because the SCHOOL had sent the formular in time. I have never heard of a school doing that. I was so happy. I know that God made it possible!

Ostermundigen...first round

Between the Semesters we always have to do a practical time. We can chose when, but at the end we have to have had:
- Introduction (in all the subject we want...out of 4)
- Fachpraktikum 1 (in 3 subjects)
- Fachpraktikum 2 (in 3 subjects, the one we have never taught, MUST be taught then)
- Abschlusspraktikum (all the subjects)

So, in February I had my FP1 in Italian and English. I had 3 classes and taught for five weeks. Normally you have to have a total of 48 hours (12,12 and 16 i.e). I had so much fun teaching Italian, that I taught one additional week! i loved it.

Ostermundigen is just about half an hour from Bern-Zentrum. To get to the school, I take a Tram for 3 stations, a bus for 10 stations and a little bus for three stations. I get there mostly 10-20minutes before so I can copy some things and go through the lesson with the teacher in charge.

The school is at the top of a little hill. It's really beautiful there.
Well, I stayed there and learned many things. When it was all over, I was very sad to leave these kids.

(The picture shows the stairs that lead to trakt 2 where the Sekundarstufe is)

Frutigen III

(me in Frutigen)
It is funny how, as soon as you have a job, younger people think you are married and have children and are..dunno..old;)
When I lived in Geneva and was studying to become a primary teacher I also had to go and teach in a class. The kids were 7-8. One day during the break they look at me and say:
Are you going home for lunch?
Yes, I am, just like all of you:)
Are you going to cook for your babies?
M...my babies?
And your husband?
Guys, I am not married!
No! I am too young to be married!
How old are you then?
I am 18!
Oh... that's old!
And away they went. They were sooo disappointed!!
During my first practical time in Bern I was still 18. I was the youngest teacher in school. And the students were, 15! It was so weird! I didn't dare say how old I was otherwise they would have striked!
Any way. One morning, a teacher comes to me and says something and then says, ah but we can say "You" to each other (in german there is the formal form of you).
You, know, since we must be the same age. I am 27 and you?
Hem LOL ...yes sure we can...! I am 18!
She looked at me in disgust and never talked to me again... Too Funny

Frutigen II

Those who know me also know how I love the Salvation Army;) When we lived in Berlin I always told my mom how great it would be if there was a Bus stop in front of the building called Salvation Army Berlin-Mitte. Obviously it wasn't possible, so I had to give it up.
But...but...:) When I arrived to Frutigen and walked to the Corps I found that the Bus stop was called: Salvation Army... I was over the moon;)

Where I taught

During the first practical time I was in Frutigen. It's a tiny little village in the mountains. It was february and there was snow everywhere. It was beautiful but cold. I stayed in the Salvation Army just 10 minutes away from the school! Every morning I would stand up at 6:30 and later walk all the way up to the building.
The view from the flat was amazing: I could see all around me the mountains. Beautiful!

My own goofs

As a teacher it is very difficult when something stupid happens. I mean, how are you supposed to react? do students realize how sometimes we wish we could disappear?
For example, the first time I taught English I was with another students who now also is a good friend. Anyhow, we were very very nervous. The plan was very easy... I had to say: we are going to split the class in two groups. And then say, the first stays with me the other goes with...and the name of my friend. Her name is Von Guten. And I said...
And so, the second group can go with Miss Van den Guten...The kids didn't know her name so it was ok but afterwards we talked about it and she asks:
Was it a joke when you said my name wrong?
Yeah, you said, Van den Guten... [and she laughs (Thank God)]
And I... SORRY!!!!!!! Blushy 2

I mean, can you imagine how stressed out I was when I said that? hahahah! My oh my!