
My miracle...I

From the begining of my studies, I knew that it was God that had led me there. Everything goes always very well and I am very thankful. I can't start a list of the things that happened, it would be too boring. But I want to tell you two big "miracles" or presents that God made me.

It was May I think... I was so stressed out with many things to do and I forgot to send the formular for the practical time. I sent it on Monday at 6 o'clock in the morning. Got a mail that said: "We are sorry, it's too late. The limit would have been Sunday at 24:00." I was very sad, because I had talked to Ostermundigen, and they had said they would take me again (even though normally you are not allowed to go twice to the same school). We had written to each other for a while and every thing was ok. And now, I wouldn't be able to go!
On Tuesday I got a mail from university telling me that I could still go do the PT because the SCHOOL had sent the formular in time. I have never heard of a school doing that. I was so happy. I know that God made it possible!

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