
What a wonderful sunset...

People go on the internet to find sunsets like this one...

I just have to open my window...


Ah my dear Speckwürfel....

www.frompath.blogspot.com says:
eine wichtige frage:
www.frompath.blogspot.com says:
ist die hauptstadt der schweiz bern???
*Jess* says:
*Jess* says:
*Jess* says:
*Jess* says:
slap1 (you readers know what it means...)
*Jess* says:
ja, wieso?
www.frompath.blogspot.com says:
www.frompath.blogspot.com says:
*Jess* says:
www.frompath.blogspot.com says:
ich war mir sicher es sei Zürich!
www.frompath.blogspot.com says:
wegen hausaufgaben von céline
www.frompath.blogspot.com says:
ich sag meiner oma gerade "ich war mir 100% sicher die hauptstadt der schweiz sei zürich!"
www.frompath.blogspot.com says:
und sie: " ich glaub ich steh im wald!"
*Jess* says:
Was heisst das?
www.frompath.blogspot.com says:
ich glaub ich steh im wald heißt so viel wie kann ja wohl nicht wahr sein
www.frompath.blogspot.com says:
*Jess* says:
no comment. Hab dich grad auf mein Blog verewigt...

bus journey

You know the feeling, when you are so tired you wish the bus ride would never stop? You sit there and look out the window, observe the passers-by, admire the sky... breath in, breath out...
Well, it's not exactly how it looked like today.
I was standing in the middle of a stressed out crowd of students. So many, I didn't even have to look for a place to hold myself : I was "sandwiched" between the princess of smoke and the "I-love-to-eat-kebab-in-the-morning-King". I couldn't move, couldn't look up, couldn't look down. I suppose it was better like that, otherwise I would have found myself face to face with the exhibitor of all-ever-invented-piercings... So there I was, bouncing against those bodies, enable to move.
Don't know about you, but I hate those kind of trips...
Well, that is all for today's adventure... well let us call it weirdness of the day...
Please, do write one of your memorable trips... on my comment page.

We'll never get in there! ****Make way!! Move along inside the car!! **** Oh no! You're Joking!



Misha and me in Spain...

Misha, me and K. in Spain...

Me, Misha and D-Boy... always Spain...

New flat...

Here some pictures of my flat.
You all know that my sister's moved in with me. So I had to change a few things. I think it looks really good. You are all welcome to visit!!! Well, the Whistler's... the other's too... ;)


Now, how cute is that?

It was a long long long time ago...

I think I was 11, so K. was 9, Misha 7 and D-Boy 3... Sweet memories... of wonderful times....

New Start

Second try... thanks to the internet and one of its many sudden problems, I have to write this blog again!

Today, after 3 months of holidays (yes, 3 month...but it's not like I asked for it), university should have started. I got up, got dressed, got on the bus, got there (got got got...) just to find out that it starts tomorrow. Hey, you, reader, stop laughing. It's not like I could have known. They sent an email only to some students... you should have seen the reaction of some of the guys there: What, they can't do this. How dare they... *blablabla* I was just happy to go back to bed. But it's still kind of stupid. Anyway... so, tomorrow, is the big day. When boredom will stop and normal life will start again. I love its routine...

Here a picture of my university...