
New Start

Second try... thanks to the internet and one of its many sudden problems, I have to write this blog again!

Today, after 3 months of holidays (yes, 3 month...but it's not like I asked for it), university should have started. I got up, got dressed, got on the bus, got there (got got got...) just to find out that it starts tomorrow. Hey, you, reader, stop laughing. It's not like I could have known. They sent an email only to some students... you should have seen the reaction of some of the guys there: What, they can't do this. How dare they... *blablabla* I was just happy to go back to bed. But it's still kind of stupid. Anyway... so, tomorrow, is the big day. When boredom will stop and normal life will start again. I love its routine...

Here a picture of my university...


justmeandmyworld said...

haha...no that's not funny...last week I got up at 5.30 got the tram, the train and another tram to go to school...and my teacher wasn't there so i could go home again...wasn't so nice ^^ but i was happy to be home again! :D

J* said...

Well, that is far worse than my little adventure. I admire you for your strength!!