

Now, how cute is that?

It was a long long long time ago...

I think I was 11, so K. was 9, Misha 7 and D-Boy 3... Sweet memories... of wonderful times....


Pat-rick said...

sooo cuteee! ... and the people on the pic too ;-)

just kidding... you all look really cute^^

J* said...

So you just meant the dog, did you? My word... ;) SLAP1 is the only thing that comes to my mind...
Well, anyway, thanks for the compliment...
You should put some baby pics on your blog too;)

Pat-rick said...

haha! I don't think so! but maybe... there is a funny picture of my brother and me when we were 3 and 1 I think and he hugs me and smiles but I look like he strangles me and my head is read! hihi!


J* said...

Is red? My word, how hard was he hugging you? hahaha...

Pat-rick said...

actually very lovely! you see the joy of hugging me in his face but not in my one!