
Ostermundigen...first round

Between the Semesters we always have to do a practical time. We can chose when, but at the end we have to have had:
- Introduction (in all the subject we want...out of 4)
- Fachpraktikum 1 (in 3 subjects)
- Fachpraktikum 2 (in 3 subjects, the one we have never taught, MUST be taught then)
- Abschlusspraktikum (all the subjects)

So, in February I had my FP1 in Italian and English. I had 3 classes and taught for five weeks. Normally you have to have a total of 48 hours (12,12 and 16 i.e). I had so much fun teaching Italian, that I taught one additional week! i loved it.

Ostermundigen is just about half an hour from Bern-Zentrum. To get to the school, I take a Tram for 3 stations, a bus for 10 stations and a little bus for three stations. I get there mostly 10-20minutes before so I can copy some things and go through the lesson with the teacher in charge.

The school is at the top of a little hill. It's really beautiful there.
Well, I stayed there and learned many things. When it was all over, I was very sad to leave these kids.

(The picture shows the stairs that lead to trakt 2 where the Sekundarstufe is)

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