
Frutigen III

(me in Frutigen)
It is funny how, as soon as you have a job, younger people think you are married and have children and are..dunno..old;)
When I lived in Geneva and was studying to become a primary teacher I also had to go and teach in a class. The kids were 7-8. One day during the break they look at me and say:
Are you going home for lunch?
Yes, I am, just like all of you:)
Are you going to cook for your babies?
M...my babies?
And your husband?
Guys, I am not married!
No! I am too young to be married!
How old are you then?
I am 18!
Oh... that's old!
And away they went. They were sooo disappointed!!
During my first practical time in Bern I was still 18. I was the youngest teacher in school. And the students were, 15! It was so weird! I didn't dare say how old I was otherwise they would have striked!
Any way. One morning, a teacher comes to me and says something and then says, ah but we can say "You" to each other (in german there is the formal form of you).
You, know, since we must be the same age. I am 27 and you?
Hem LOL ...yes sure we can...! I am 18!
She looked at me in disgust and never talked to me again... Too Funny


Pat-rick said...

Oh poor Jessica! You should take it as a compliment! (the first one! in the matter of the second i don't think there is any way to take it as a compliment...)

justmeandmyworld said...

well...you just look sooo old!!! ;) only joking! :P but 27 is old!!!! hehe