
Frutigen II

Those who know me also know how I love the Salvation Army;) When we lived in Berlin I always told my mom how great it would be if there was a Bus stop in front of the building called Salvation Army Berlin-Mitte. Obviously it wasn't possible, so I had to give it up.
But...but...:) When I arrived to Frutigen and walked to the Corps I found that the Bus stop was called: Salvation Army... I was over the moon;)


Pat-rick said...

I once thought of that, too, but I think there are more possibilities in switzerland for a bus stop named "heilsarmee" than in germany... what other names should they give the bus stop in switzerland... "mountain: height 1733m"??

ok that was based on a cliche ;-)

J* said...

Danke Pat! Sehr...cliché-haft;)

justmeandmyworld said...
