
Where I taught

During the first practical time I was in Frutigen. It's a tiny little village in the mountains. It was february and there was snow everywhere. It was beautiful but cold. I stayed in the Salvation Army just 10 minutes away from the school! Every morning I would stand up at 6:30 and later walk all the way up to the building.
The view from the flat was amazing: I could see all around me the mountains. Beautiful!


Pat-rick said...

I think it is very beautiful, but on the other hand I think I couldn't live there a very long time (like for years). I like big cities^^

but maybe I could... dunno really... I think I'm just used to live in big cities!

don't think you are!^^ Do you still have a lot of mountains around you, now?

J* said...

I liked it a lot when I was there, but it's an opressing feeling to be surrounded by mountains. I thought I was becoming claustrophobic;)
I am somewhere else now!;)