
Soon over! But... what about a third round?

:( Friday will be my last day in Ostermundigen! Today I had prepared a test for the french class and during Religion we talked about Family life. It was really good!
Anyhow...afterwards I had the final talk with my teacher. He was so nice. He told me a lot of nice things. He enjoyed working with me and said that if he it was up to him, I could start teaching! "You are ready!" Wow! I was so happy! I'd love to go teach there when I am done with my studies!
At the end he said, that maybe I could come back again for the FP2 Italian and Englisch. I had to laugh;)


Anonymous said...

hi! finalmente ho letto il tuo blog! Brava, ben fatto. Ma una domanda sorge, spontanea... non è forse un pò come se uno mettesse il proprio diario online...??? Comunque, nuovi tempi, nuovi modi.

J* said...

Non dico niente di veramente personale. Parlo delle mi esperienze:) Avrei voluto sapere chi sei:) Scrivi il tuo nome la prossima volta!

Nessun rimpianto...nessun rimorso! said...
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J* said...

hem...mamma...hahaha, sei tu forse? Non ti preoccupare, non ci metto niente di segreto;) senza biscotti...non sapranno mai niente!