
My Miracle ... II

Do you know the feeling of total peace? When you feel so nice and you just enjoy life?
The other day, I felt exactly like that. I had read in the Bible and prayed and was ready to start the day. Stangely, it seemed I had more time than the other days. But I was elsewhere with my thoughts.
After preparing my lessons I walked to the bus and drove to the school. I got there and saw a firemen's car. There were children every where. Wondering what might have happened I went into the teacher's room. One of the teacher told me that they had had an exercice with the firemen and that no one had known about it and that is why the pupils were totally out of control now. I thought it was funny and wished I could have been there.
My teacher comes then to me and asks where I had been. Innocently I said I had just come. He had been looking for me. I thought it was wierd! Why on earth?
So, he says, now we have only Religion left.
Hmm? What about French?
Well, it would have been now, but the firemen came.
What do you mean? I thought they came during the last class.
Yes, they came just before!
[And I still didn't get it...sometimes I can be SO slow!]
But then... why don't we have French?
Because they stayed for an hour and a half!
... Oh...my! It means I came to late!!!!
Haha, yes I think so too!
But, I mean, How? How?
I don't know, but you were lucky, the lesson didn't even take place!
Oh my word! I don't know what I did. I was sure I was right on time!
Don't worry! It's ok! You were saved by the firemen!

See? Hadn't they come, I would have been an hour too late. It would have been such a mess! But exactly when I peacefully decide to go to take the bus- an hour later... The firemen go to the school!



Christine said...

se ci tieni tanto te lo lascio un commento...:
PAZZA!!!!!!!!! ma come si fa???? matoooooooh ;) be comunque salvata da pompieri *LECKER* hehe...

J* said...

Sei una malata, lo sai questo? Credo che il CIM ti stia cercando;)

Nessun rimpianto...nessun rimorso! said...

hehe...se continuate così vi portano a tutte e due al CIM!!!però se volete vi faccio compagnia..tanto sono di casa!!:)

J* said...

Ma si, la comitiva delle Cim-iane!!STUPENDO!Sono certa che gli incontri saranno...madre-potentosi...