
So, it's 2:30 in the morning... we are really starting to do crazy things. We are tired. But traditions are traditions and have to be kept.
So here we are, sitting on the floor and fooling around.
Who is there?
Flieger Honsberg... (he's promised to send a picture...)
Patrack the Speckwürfel...
Misha the beautiful Barcelona fan
Kikky... alias White chocolate
Veronika, the sleeping beauty
And me... the author of this post.
Anyways... we had some Latte Macchiato, watched a very stupid movie... laughed a lot... Now we have once again some material... to prove our crazyness.
Pictures will follow...:)


Pat-rick said...

I guess EVERYBODY who reads that thinks I am a bit... fed!!!???

J* said...

Oh holy cow!!!What do you mean with "fed"?
Fed up?
Fairly crazy?
F or E ver D umm?
No worries, you are nothing of the aboves! Just a Speckwürfel. One cannot change his name. It's more linked to the tinyness of the SW than with the fat amount in it;)
Und überhaupt,what were you doing at that time still awake...???

Pat-rick said...

haha! well... I meant fed... I ate too much... no, ok, I made a mistake!

yeah... I was online very late... sorry... :-P

justmeandmyworld said...

°_° what are you talking about!?

J* said...

I have no clue what HE is talking about!!!I suppose it is not always possible to understand a speckwürfel's thoughts...;)

Luv ya Misha...

Christine said...

we had really a lot of fun....maybe pat had too much fun...next time I'll make a video of you!!! WAKESH!!! ..... "nicht so nah willst du meine pupillen expldieren lassen??" °_° lol

hug 2 everybody

Pat-rick said...

hahahaha! so cuteee! ;-)

J* said...

Hey Speckwürfel! You meant:
"Everybody who reads this will thing I am overweight!"
Ach, Englische Sprache, Schwere Sprache:P

Pat-rick said...

yes - fat! didn't we already clarify that?

ok... I am not overweight! :-D

justmeandmyworld said...

hahaha!!! ^^
