
Home Sweet Home

Is there anything better than to go home?

My dad picked me up at the station with Chris, we drove home and as we got there I opened the fridge and it was full of nice things. Ahhhh. I ate some chicken ( I know, it was late... but hey... chicken's chicken;)).

Time passes by very slowly and I am very happy about that. It's nice to just be there and spend time with them.

But going to Cologne also means seeing some old friends like Daniel and Patrick. Daniel's gone at the moment. But Patrick had promised me some Latte Macchiato -my favourite- so yesterday I went upstaires and we had fun eating some Coconut Zwieback and drinking LM made by Pat. He realised that you cannot eat and talk at the same time. Every time I would ask him something he would put a biscuit in his mouth, look at me with wide opened eyes... ahaha, it was great...

Some more news soon!



Nessun rimpianto...nessun rimorso! said...

wow...non ci crederai ma ho capito il 70% di quello che hai scritto...quindi ti posso dire di goderti questi momenti fantastici...per poi tornare nella "REALTA"hihihi!!!:):)kisskiss

Pat-rick said...

HAHA! Yes we really had fun! And the LM was ok this time.... but I need a new milkfretter (or howerver it is called in english...)! I don't know what to say about you put this "Patrick" picture in here ;-)! I don't know what's better: That emoticon eating spaghetti called "Patrick" or this picture :-P!