
Where? How Long?

The why being answered;) ... here come the other questions.
So, I am studying in Bern... And on the 24th of october I'll start the 5th semester. Yeahy!! I only have to do 3 after this and I'll be a REAL teacher. My..oh...my!


Pat-rick said...

"oh-...my-...Go-od!" - Janice

I'm looking forward to all the adventures you will have in your next semester ;-)

Pat-rick said...
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Pat-rick said...

"oh-...my-...Go-od!" - Janice

I'm looking forward to all the adventures you will have in your next semester ;-)


justmeandmyworld said...

tssss! it starts so late?!? and i'm already at school! (only for 4 days) and i'm already sooo tired!! hehe!! enjoy your holidays! ;)