
How it all began

When people get out of school- finally- the only thing they are sure of is, that they will never go back in there. Normal. It was awful, boring and all that goes with that.
But what if you enjoyed school? Not because of Maths, Biology, Chemistry... but because of French, English, Italian and German! Because of those teacher who loved it so much, they made you love it too! Because of all those books you have read and loved because they made you grow!
Well then, there is no other solution. As soon as you leave school, you miss it. So what can you do but become yourself a teacher:) And teach with passion the art of communicating with people from different countries?
So, after thinking for a year, that I should become a primary school teacher... I changed to secondary school. I knew right away what my subjects should be... Italian, French, English and Religion. I have never regretted doing so.

1 comment:

justmeandmyworld said...

i like when people ask me: "what do you think about your sister becoming a teacher??" :P hehe! i can just say: she is crazy!!! :p but i'm sure that you're a brilliant teacher and im really proud of you!! big hug!! :)