
And now...the WHO-Question

So, who am I?
I am 21 years old. I have been living in Switzerland for the past 4 years. During the first one I was in Geneva. Beautiful city, really. But I wasn't actually really ready to live on my own and it was a very difficult year. I mean, when you've got a wonderful family, saying goodbye is very hard.
My mom cooks delicious things, she is always ready to help out, dreams with you, talks to you...She was always very busy, but I can't remember a day when I felt she hadn't paid attention to me. She used to sit down with us and play with the Playmobils. Or iron things while we watched cartoons (when we were little), 7th Heaven (when we were teens) and heartbreaking movies (The notebook;))
My dad used to bring me refreshing drinks when I was learning for my exams, he knows me very well, we are very much alike... and that's why sometimes we get on each other's system. But if there is a person who is able to understand me, that's him. And he is also the one who helps me come back down to earth.
Kikka, my sister. When she's around, I am more myself and not scared to let myself go. She'll laugh at my silly jokes, dance my stupid dances and listen to my silly talks. And she won't laugh;) If it hadn't been for her, I would not be who I am.

My baby sis' who's no baby anymore. Mischa;) We're very alike. We can talk for hours, kill each other one second, and the next be fooling around. When I go home, we always make lists of things we want to do. And spend the first day mostly in bed, talking and laughing...and sometimes sleeping...when I get home at 6 in the morning.
My little brother. I asked to have one for christmas. And got him in september. Not bad. He is adorable. We like to do things together and fight over who's football team will win. (Juventus-me <-> Inter-him).
So, that's not me. But these are the people I can be myself with. So they are a big part of the question: who am I;)


Pat-rick said...

I can confirm - it's a nice family ;-)

justmeandmyworld said...

ooh thank you, thank you! hehe!

Pat-rick said...

apart from... hehe... ;-)

ancient clown said...

I would humbly share Planting the Seeds with you. "To give a person a tree is to give them a present...but to teach a person how to make a tree is to give them a gift for life."
A small reminder, it has been my experience, children are the best teachers...don't forget to learn from them while you teach.
your humble servant,
Ancient Clown