
08.09.06's Adventure

So, today like the past 3 fridays I had a long break between teaching French and teaching Religion. It was lunch time and once again I walked to Coop. (see picture: it really is that one). I chose some nice food, paid and started looking for a free table. The only one was next to a really strange looking women. Ah well, it's ok:) So I sat there and ate...montch..montch...glug..glu... As I was about to finish, here's what happened.
Lady: oh, you also have a Sony Ericsson?
I look at my cellphone...
Yes, I do:)
It's a good cellphone, he?
Yes, it really is.:)
It's so funny we have exactly the same one!
Yeah, isn't it?
After a little break.
So where are you from? Germany?
(I really didn't want to tell the whole complicated story...)
Yes I am!
From where?
Well, I have lived 5 years in Berlin!
Oh, so cool! It's a beautiful city, isn't it?
Yes, I really love it!
So, what are you doing here? Working?
I am studying.
To become a teacher!
Oh excellent! And then, you'll have to go back he?
No...I am half swiss!
Oh, right! You can!
[Follows a long conversation about her husband being South American and having a Swiss passport...-> He is no longer south american :'( ]
So, you teach languages he?
Yes, I do!
How many can you speak?
Hmm...4 and a half...
Really? Which one's the half?
Oh habla español?
Si un poquito!
Muy bien! Hablas muy bien!
Gracias... lo estudiò en la escuela para tre años!
[Follows a conversation in Spanish]
I can speak Spanish very well, and Sauili...
You know... Akuna Matata!
Oh, I know that!
Yeah, it means "Forget it"!
Hehee, yeah, true.
But Akuna Matiti means bosom...hhahahahah
J: Scared 1
Anyhow... we talked for a while and it was cool...She wished me all the best in the world and after speaking a bit in English and a bit in French I left. But we promised to see each other next week at the same place. Who knows... But it was so funny how she said that! I almost choked on my drink....:)


justmeandmyworld said...

it's funny when people you don't know just start a conversation qith you! it happened to me in the train, i don't remember when, but it was fun ;)

ci vediamo presto, vero?! TVTTTB!

Pat-rick said...

now it's no more a rumour - swiss people are crazy! ;-)

maybe next time you should just think of the song "nod ya head" and do that and then he professionell look at the watch: "oh! how the time is lapsing!? Have to go!" - and don't look back! ;-)

Actually you had fun so you don't have to do that. It's only a possibility for if you don't want to hear anymore things about bosom ;-)

Christine said...

FREAK! °_°