
Save Water - Save lives

Last April I went to England for a Salvation Army Congress. It was really good but apart from the meetings there was something else I couldn't forget. Some people presented a S.A. project called Save Water - Save lives. With 10 pounds you can give water to a family in Africa or Asia. For life. I was so impressed and felt that we could do something like that in Switzerland too. And that's what we did.
With our youth group we organized a fantastic evening. We decorated our hall with bamboos, lights, a beautiful bar, a lounge, and vases with water and candels. Groups of girls came to dance, we had a big band that played wonderfully although they only practiced once, barkeepers that mixed delicious drinks (The titi-drink, named after my friend Martina, The Maje, named after Maya and me and another one...)... Two teenagers did a wonderful job presenting the programm in swiss german (I managed to translate in french... see pic.)! And at about 22:00 I presented the project in french and Nathanaël presented it in Swiss German.
People bought many bottles and gave a lot of money.
I will never forget it! It was an excellent evening and some of my friends came. Thank you guys!!!


Marc-Daniel said...

Hey brutta...ho letto il tuo blog(non tutto tutto)e cool.Quindi mo non teachi piu per un po'?Ci sentiamo(se non nient altro da fare(hehe))TVBBB
e sono fiero della mia sorella (piu)grande
ciao buon divertimento...

J* said...

Grazie amore mio!!!

J* said...

Si, non insegno più per un pò... forse a marzo di nuovo! Buona giornata!

Pat-rick said...

aaahhhhhh! It was here where I saw a picture of your event! OK! blessings!
