

So, here I am sitting once again in front of my laptop. It seems to me, it's the only thing that is going on as usual...

I am chewing on a coca-cola candy...

..things change. Things are changing. Even the ones you thought were yours for ever no longer belong to you. The memories are the only thing you can hold on too. But for how long? Moments fade away, reality comes...

...my hand runs through my short hair...

…have you ever thought about the fact that yesterday will never come back and that you never know if it was the last time you hugged a person was THE last one? And if you knew, would you make it differently? Obviously we'll never know, seen as yesterday is gone...

... the smell of my new perfume fills the room..

New and old. Now and then. Yesterday and today. Contradictions. Parallelism. Never the same. And still. Every new hurt, pain, sorrow, makes you stronger. Makes you tougher. We might chose to follow the Lord, but we do not and cannot chose the rough times we will have to go through. If we could we wouldn’t. We’d prefer to enjoy life without struggles. Going through the pain of losing someone, of losing a part of you, wouldn’t be anyone’s choice.

…not bad, these cola candies…might try yet another flavour…

But standing here, at the bottom of this gigantic mountain that seems endless, I know, I am certain, that the Lord knows it all. He is there holding me, holding my heart. And at the same time, He sees it all: The bottom of the mountain just as the top. He sees the big picture. The bigger one. Even bigger as the one I could paint myself.

You let me go through pain
And yet save me from going insane
You take it all from me away
And yet YOU stay
You force me to the ground
And yet you are my ground
You see the big picture
And yet you don’t lecture
You let me chose, You set me free
And yet you know how wrong I may be

You love me so much
I can feel your gentle touch
You hold my heart in your hands
And carry me in between the lands
Of my life, of my pathway
You won’t let me go astray
The pain might seem stronger
Than me, but I won’t surrender
Like Peter on the See
I’ll only focus on thee
Waves might come and go
But I’ll stay steady as you make me hallow


J* said...

Mi fai attraversare sofferenza
Eppure non svanisci in lontananza
Mi togli tutto quello che ho
Eppure so che solo non sto
Mi forzi fino al suolo
Eppure sei tu il mio suolo
Mi lasci la scelta
Eppure sai cosa ne risulta
Mi ami così tanto
Lo sento, dalla carezza del vento
il mio cuore fra le tue mani mantieni
mentre attraverso i diversi sentieri
di questa terra, della mia vita
con Te, non mi sono mai smarrita
Il dolore sembra orrendo
Ma non mi arrendo
Come Pietro sul lago
Ho lo sguardo fisso su Te
Le onde vengono e vanno
Ma non mi sbilanciano

Nessun rimpianto...nessun rimorso! said...

e´proprio vero...nella vita si affrontano tante sofferenze e difficolta´,ma sappiamo che il Signore ci aiuta e ci protegge sempr e...non ci lascia mia la mano!!!

justmeandmyworld said...

molto bello e molto vero quello che hai scritto! coraggio!

ti voglio bene!

Pat-rick said...

there were times when I realla hated changes! I think you know that^^. But now I see all good things of changes *thumbs up*