

Share a moment
Share an instant
Never share your heart

Share a thought
Share a meal
Never share a dream

Share a path
Share a song
Never share life
Compromise. Find a path between yours and his. Between your heart, your dream, your life and the ones of the person opposite. But never lose yourself.
Fight. But don’t let it destroy you. Give. But remember you deserve to receive. Build. But don’t forget the ground you’re building on.

God's strength starts, when your ends. His hand wipes your tears, the minute they come down. His shoulder brings your head to a rest, the moment you feel tired. His peace, frees your heart the second you ask Him to. His life He gives. The second you realize yours is worth nothing without Him. Your ground. Your strength. With Him

You share life,
Because He gave you life

You share an instant
Because He already knows about it

You give your heart
For He first gave you His

You share your thoughts
For He put them into your mind

You share every meal
For He takes care of you

You share all of your dreams
Because He put the fire in your soul

You share your path
Because He’s walked it before you

You share every Song
For He’s put them into your heart

You give and share your life
Because He’s the one that truly cares
and truly loves and never,
never disappoints you.


justmeandmyworld said...

j'aime beaucoup! tu écris vraiment bien et en plus je suis tout à fait d'accord avec toi! bisous

J* said...

Merci mon bonbon;)
Can't wait for you to be here...damit wir die Gespräche fortsetzten können;)

justmeandmyworld said...

moi aussi :)

zt'aime très fort