
- 6 days

It's funny don't you think? You want what you don't have and have what you don't want. During the past month I have been told at least 10 times: You are so lucky to be on holiday for so long. Now, I want to go back to university. I actually love it guys, you know??

Monday, it'll start. The fifth semester. No way to stop me:) Time is flying by and I want to enjoy every moment. What are you up to? Leave a comment!


Anonymous said...

t'es bien la seule à vouloir recommencer l'uni^^ mais non ;)
Il est cool ton blog...
TVB kiks

Anonymous said...

ja auso i ha natürlech scho agfange... mitlerwile isches scho der dritti Tag... und i mues säge, d'Ferie si scho schön gsi u wesi no chlei Länger wäre gange...
übrigens a aui die wo das hie nid vestöh: päch gsi, i ha grad ke lsucht das z'übersetze ;-) Aber üsi liebi Bloggerin wird sech sicherlich e Freud drus mache euch i die Sprach izfüehre :-)
be blessed everyone (well... eventually a little bit english)ou tu

J* said...

mr soap said:
Well I have started again a while ago...it's already the third day...and I have to say my holidays were great and they could have lasted longer...
By the way, for all of you who don't understand what I am writing: ah well, I just don't fancy writing in English right now, but our lovely blogger will surely translate all of this for you!!

Pat-rick said...

It's actually very interesting. I love it to refuel everything in me on Sunday, then I maybe stay the day with some friends... BUT: I really can't wait to go to work again and do anything with the kids. Play with them, help them in any way, to talk with them about Jesus and what it means to live with him. Sometimes you can bolster them up with some words of Jesus. It's just the greatest work on earth :-)